Dec 6 2010 4:22 PM EST
'Immersion' Offers a New Experience
DVD ensemble to revolutionize home theater.
By Chen Xiaochao
Just 6 weeks after surpassing a record $1 Trillion dollars in box office receipts, DVD sales, and rentals, the makers of ‘Avatar” are poised to raise the bar even higher with the newest Blu-ray DVD release of the blockbuster hit.
On Monday, December 6, 2010, James Cameron’s production company Alien Medicine announced the release of ‘Avatar: Immersion’, a product that gives the term “multi-media” new meaning.
The package is nearly identical to the recently released Panasonic 3D Ultimate Pack (with 'Avatar' on Blu-ray 3D and 2 pairs of 3D glasses) with three important additions.
"We wanted to offer our viewers an opportunity to totally immerse themselves in the Pandoran experience. A chance to 'be' one of the Na'vi," said spokesperson Bella Katt-Collins.
'Avatar Immersion' includes the following accessories:
- An electrical extension cord disguised as braided pony tail, which can be used either to simply plug your Blu-ray player into the wall, or it can be clipped to the back of your head.
- Height-enhancing shoe inserts. These "lifts" can make you up to half an inch taller, mimicking the greater size of the indigenous people of Pandora.
- Skin dye in the form of pills taken internally eight hours before viewing.
Test-released in Toronto, Canada, 'Avatar Immersion' was greeted with wild enthusiasm by fans of the epic James Cameron film.
Critics were not as willing to embrace the product, specifically the skin dye, until further testing has been done and the results publicly released.
"This has not been approved by the HPFB [Health Products and Food Branch, the Canadian equivalent of the United States' FDA] and as far as I know, use of this blue dye might potentially have long-term, unexpected consequences," said consumer advocate Cary Gold of the Toronto-based coalition Freedom of Safety First.
The dye in question is Cerulean1841, long used in the commercial plumbing industry to detect the source of leaks in high-rise building water systems.
"The skin dye, which is an important part of the immersion experience," says Katt-Collins, "is completely safe if used as directed".
Canadian fan Saol Rubattino at peak skin hue |
The detailed instructions included with 'Avatar Immersion' recommend not only ingesting the pills 8 hours before the desired DVD viewing, but also to begin drinking apple juice 2 hours before to begin the detoxification process.
The dye can last up to 16 hours past the peak skin coloring. Viewers who ingest the pills are encouraged to also have on hand anti-motion sickness medication, which seems to calm any urges to engage in violent vomiting.
Sources have uncovered that negotiations between the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and Cameron's production company, in progress since the Spring, have recently been concluded, and there will be no impediment by the FDA to the release of 'Avatar Immersion'.
Fans who have any question about the use of Cerulean1841 dye are encouraged to contact either James Cameron's production company Alien Medicine or their local Poison Control Center.